JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Fandub; Ch. 5-8 Casting
djoctavio for Gyro Zeppeli
Gyro is possessed for a majority of his screentime, so try to sound menacing. Otherwise he seems deadly serious until he cracks a joke and his goofier side comes out.
You terroristi, who dare target the Noble One…
I’m… gonna crush you beyond all recognition!
Ah! Wait! It’s coming back to me… I remember now…
You, you’re the guy who pissed me off so badly that I swore I’d feed my steel balls to you the next time I saw you!
Uurgh...Is this Rocky Mountain Village?
Hey, Johnny? What the hell is going on?
Why are we all the way back here?
There's a LOT of Gyro quotes I could've done, but I'd be here all day if I combed SBR for them, so I just recorded up two of his other iconic moments that weren't in my actual audition. There's a lot of facets to this goof-ass Italian Executioner.