After the Dark (Audiobook)
ChilledNatVA for Ethan
Personality: Selfless, brave. Loyal and intelligent. Caring and patient.
- english
- male adult
- american
- audiobook
(In pain, under breath) “Fucking a billion.”
(Stern) “Okay, here’s the plan. You go straight to the Fred Meyer and straight back. Doesn’t matter if you find what you’re looking for. We’ll plan another trip, but for now, stick to the plan. And stay together. No one should be caught alone. Two groups of three or three groups of two, always. Got it?”
(Chiding, Angry) “No, don’t, Ryder. You’re acting like a goddamn teenager. And she’s right. You shouldn’t have told everyone about Jaime. You just managed to freak everyone out.”

Congratulations on being 1 of like 3 people to pronounce his name correctly. As in feedback: It sounds like you are holding back with your emotion either to be quiet or for some other reason. Don't be afraid to become fully immersed in the moment.

Thank you so much for the feedback. Would you like me to resubmit my submission?