JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Fandub; Ch. 5-8 Casting
RufusJuice for Enrico Pucci, Awaiting the New Moon
Warning: Lots of Lines
Pucci should sound utterly fanatic, kind of like a televangelist.
Have you ever seen a night sky full of stars?
All the stars pull towards one another and shine even brighter…
Do you believe in ‘gravity’? Do you know that there’s a gravitational force at work between human beings?
What did I say? You don’t need to know. And now, for the sake of my dear friend and Heaven, I shall defeat you both, in body and soul!
The heaven that I was seeking lay elsewhere, you see.
And now I have found it. No… he… my dear friend found it for me.
I am no longer a martyr who must continue walking down a thorny path.
I am a resident of Heaven, who has discovered the path of truth.
I have come to spread the good news across the world!
The nobility of his reality! The sheer brilliance!
This one is miles better than mine, which was mostly for shits in the first place. Just sayin', actor-pickin' people.