Arcanum Infinitum

Nathaniel for VA: Marshall Law

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA: Marshall Law
Deferred: Agreed Amount
cast offsite

This is a young male character, who's shy, but optimistic. He can get nervous and scared quite easily, but has a heart of gold. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and can be quite bright and chipper if he's comfortable in a situation. (Looking for voices similar to: Deku, from My Hero Academia, or Miles Morales from Into and Across the Spider-Verse)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • "Are they right about me? Am I a monster?"

  • "We can't just stop at saving one planet, if there's more in danger."

  • "If we work together, I'm sure we can save this planet!"

Arcanum Infinitum
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