JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Fandub; Ch. 5-8 Casting
eman sdrawkcab for Enrico Pucci, Awaiting the New Moon
Warning: Lots of Lines
Pucci should sound utterly fanatic, kind of like a televangelist.
Have you ever seen a night sky full of stars?
All the stars pull towards one another and shine even brighter…
Do you believe in ‘gravity’? Do you know that there’s a gravitational force at work between human beings?
What did I say? You don’t need to know. And now, for the sake of my dear friend and Heaven, I shall defeat you both, in body and soul!
The heaven that I was seeking lay elsewhere, you see.
And now I have found it. No… he… my dear friend found it for me.
I am no longer a martyr who must continue walking down a thorny path.
I am a resident of Heaven, who has discovered the path of truth.
I have come to spread the good news across the world!
The nobility of his reality! The sheer brilliance!
I flubbed on a few lines, sorry