JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Fandub; Ch. 5-8 Casting

djoctavio for Weather Report

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Weather Report
Role assigned to: RufusJuice

Try to make Weather seem a bit distant as he talks, as though he's got his head in the clouds. (No pun intended.)

Weather is possessed for a majority of his screentime, so try to sound menacing.

  • I’m sorry, Jolyne… But you need to die.

    You should have never got involved in my cursed life…

  • I want to wreak total chaos...

  • Jolyne… I’ll be back…

    Back to destroy this whole world…

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven Fandub; Ch. 5-8 Casting

For each of these, I tried to do one take with a more distant Weather Report, and the other as the edgier Heavy Weather, since if I recall correctly he's distinctly Heavy while brainwashed during the story. Also a bit of goofing at the end.

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