"The Hole" Animated Short Film
Erin Culpepper for Sofia (Main Character)
Sofia (15 year old school girl) Sofia is depicted as a complex character with conflicting emotions and a sense of introspection. She initially appears trapped in a state of uncertainty and comfort, finding solace in the familiarity of the dirt hole. She questions her own ambitions and purpose in life, expressing a lack of motivation or a desire to break free from her current situation. Sofia's personality showcases a struggle between contentment and a yearning for something more, highlighting her internal conflicts and her search for meaning.
- female teen
- female young adult
...I understand what's on the outside of my hole but why bother when I'm already comfortable here?...
(crying) Can I just, go...Please. I don't need a handout, I don't need anything. I just want to be done.
Can life be worth it without knowing? Is it okay not to know?