Siren's Call: Escape Velocity-- Voice Actor Audition
AdamNew for Oliver

Everybody wants to leave home at one point or another, and Oliver is that idea distilled to its purest form. After an unforeseen incident involving a rocket launch ruined everything, getting the Hell out of Florida has become his sole purpose in life. Even though he’s a writer, Oliver’s greatest asset is, oddly enough, his brutal honesty. Due to a certain condition of his, Oliver simply isn’t comfortable with any other way of living. Still, all those little lies of ours have to go somewhere...don’t they? And even if they didn’t, not everybody appreciates an honest friend…
Dream: To be loved for who he is
Actual height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Temperament: Brooding Loves: Poetry, punk rock, skate boarding, Violet
Hates: Siren’s Call, feeling helpless, rockets
- male young adult
(Jokingly serious) "I hate sand. It's grainy, bumpy, bothersome... AND BY GOLLY IT JUST GETS EVERYWHERE!"
(Solemn) “The familiar rumble of empty fuel tanks slamming into the ocean. The amber glow of jet fuel burning against the violent pink of a perfect, tropical sky...I grew to hate all of it.”
(Earnest) “Well, that's a big relief! Yeah! I feel like *much* less of a failure if you're just as lost as I am!”

Sorry for the double upload; I didn't think it went through the first time.