Trial & Error: Sci-Fi Web Series
AbroadHawk for Leonard Spencer
Leonard Spencer is the leader of the Nebrinian government. He is a war monger, authoritarian and xenophobe. (lines used in the audition are not taken from the show but are indictive of the character) (only one take for each line is required. any additional takes will be seen as unnecessary and ignored) (improvisation is permitted but only one improv line is allowed and must come at the end of your tape. Provided lines must be used and auditions that do not include them will be disregarded)
- english
- any
- any
- polotician
Today we fight for the glory of Nebrin.
We must stop the evil that threatens Nebrin.
I think I speak for the whole of Nebrin when I say; you have done a great service to your people.

Thank you for auditioning, I really appreciate it but unfortunately this role has already been casted. Sorry for not saying sooner. I really should have and that is my bad. Apologies if you feel as though you've wasted your time. Although, you are more than welcome to audition for the next season of Trial & Error (with hopefully no desk slamming) and I'll even DM you when the next casting call is live. Also, sorry that this is an automated response. I have a few people to get to and I'm pressed for time. I hate doing automated responses. They just suck. But, hopefully you understand why I'm doing it.

Perfectly fine! I would be happy to audition for another role soon.