Fallout 4 CSEP: Hatcher Island
Jeremy for Cap’n Davenport
Davenport is an n overconfident leader, he has big plans and a big ego. He managed to get this gang together by over-promising and boasting.
Lead Character
- english
- male adult
- pirate
- new england
- Pirate
- Raider
- Any
- audacity
- Any
- blue yeti
"Welcome to Hatcher Island, you've joined us right before we break ground on the first truly free city of Davenport." (Boasting about his big plan)
Cap'n: "My favorite topic! I am a privateer, my allegiance is to myself alone, and my crew's allegiance is to me, we make our living in various ways, buying, selling," (Stroking his ego) Polly: "*Squawk* Plundering." (Funny parrot) Cap'n: "When the situation calls for it. Piracy is a risky business, I prefer commerce, that's why this city means so much to me, a place to do business that doesn't require a blade on your throat." (Explaining his big plan)
"Polly? She's a good girl, can't be a good captain without a parrot, at least that's what all the old books say." (She's actually a crow but he's not smart enough to know the difference)