Chrono Trigger Fandub {Minor Characters}
inrezairo for Mother Brain
Mother Brain is a computer program designed to run the R-Y series factory in 2300 AD. She has reprogrammed the R-Y robots to do her bidding, since the decrease in human activity, and wants to do the same with Robo, once he returns, telling him that he is incapable of these human emotions that he quite clearly possesses.
Tone: Medium to medium-low. Amused and slightly sarcastic. Slightly robotic, but not much (kinda like GLaDOS, but perhaps even a little less robotic than her.)
You did well to come this far. I am the Mother Brain of the R-Y series factory.
Come Prometheus, you must once again join us. I'll reset your circuitry and erase your memories. Then we'll dispose of these filthy humans.
You would betray ME, to stay with these humans? You would turn against the family of robots?