Siren's Call: Escape Velocity-- Voice Actor Audition
Soafie for Violet

For all of her wisdom and grace, Violet is...still kind of a gremlin. Then again, that is a big part of why Oliver loves her. And thankfully, the feeling is mutual. Just as likely to spit insightful advice as she is to poke fun, conversations with her are always a delight. Due to her epilepsy, she has to play it safe in most areas of her life, but that doesn’t stop her from dreaming big. Her greatest dream is to leave the planet and travel the cosmos as an astronaut. Until then, she spends her days painting...wistful as ever.
Dream: To go to space
Actual Height: 5 feet. 5 inches
Temperament: Sassy
Loves: long conversations, rockets, black-bean-burgers, BL, Oliver
Hates: Depending on others, the beach, her brain
- female young adult
(Playful) “You're freakin' hot, doofus. You spend, like, what, seven hours a day working out? That body of yours is one step below divinity.”
(Wise) “Why is it that being lost feels like such a sin? It's not like we were ever *taught* what to do in these kinds of situations. Of course we'd get lost at sea like this... we were never properly equipped to handle something like this in the first place!”
(Teasing) “I still have nudes of you on my phone. And like any hero, I'm not afraid to use them as a tool for justice. So yeah, take the hint.”

My Discord is now soafie with the new Discord username thingy.