Siren's Call: Escape Velocity-- Voice Actor Audition
Rodrilink for Emil

Question everything. Seek the truth. Think creatively. Emil’s hungry mind is always busy looking past the obvious and digging for something deeper. To some, he may seem a bit pretentious. But to those who know him well, it’s all too clear how wrong he often feels. Even so, convincing him of anything will require more than a bit of effort, but it will prove Oliver’s ideas can stand on their own. And in the end, that’s all Emil really wants...isn’t it?
Dream: to be the best at something
Actual Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Temperament: serious
Loves: debates, reading, bushido
Hates: laziness, getting his clothes dirty
- male young adult
(Solemn) “Second rate... Everything I am is second rate. Ashton is bolder, Andi is tougher, Violet is wiser. And Judith, as I've come to discover, is far more intelligent than I could ever hope to be.”
(Excited and compelled) “I love sharks. Fascinating creatures, really! Did you know that some shark embryos actually cannibalise each other while in the womb?”
(Challenging) “Why are *you* going to college, Oliver? If you can provide a compelling enough defense for your actions, then I will concede this challenge to you.”