Siren's Call: Escape Velocity-- Voice Actor Audition
Casting Noodle for Andi

As Judith’s twin sister, Andi knows all too well the value of being strict with oneself. To her, health is everything, and that fixation has created what many consider to be the greatest athlete in Central Florida. She knows that each choice her and her friends make is an opportunity for growth, but also one for weakness. She will do what needs to be done to keep you breathing. It doesn’t matter if you hate her.
Dream: to live to 100 years old
Actual Height: same as Judith
Temperament: adamant
Loves: fitness, receiving gifts, Ashton
Hates: jellyfish, grits, Ashton
- female young adult
(scornful) “You failed. Now any number of terrible things could happen to you, Oliver. What's to stop me from killing you in cold blood right now?”
(frustrated) “Oh, come the frick ON!!! This ball is actual, literal, garbage juice. This is Hell, isn't it?”
(depressed) “God, screaming is such a useless reflex... All it does is give other people a chance to learn how weak you really are.”