Return of Mad Ducktor (Donald Duck Comic Dub)
Justice Margowski (Mildhot Sauce) for Mad Ducktor
Voice Actor
Mad Ducktor
Role assigned to:
Mad Ducktor is Gyro Gearloose. The voice is the same but more sinister sounding. Please audition for Gyro as well. Refer to part 1 in the video above.
Voice description:
- male adult
- all american accents
"I used a synthesizer to modify my voice. I didn't want to arouse your suspicions since they are identical to mine!"
"Don't you recognize me? I'm Mad Ducktor!! Only you could return me to my consistency, because you are just as brilliant as me!"
"You recall when Paperinik asked little helper to create a ray capable of cancelling the effects of the ego machine that you invented?"
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