Loss of Nightmares
Richard Gibson for Male Voice Actor - Nate

Nate is a young male in his mid 20s that will accompany the main character for a bit part of the story. Nate is a part of a research team that leads the location the main protagonist is being contained in. The twist is that he is undercover as a normal person in order to ensure that Nest (The main character) doesn't lose control and tries to escape!
Nate has a bit of a smug attitude and tone to his way of speaking to people, especially Nest. And also is a bit of a jokester at times in order to cheer up the mood! Also! Please provide some fighting noises and some singing if possible for future episodes and more!
- english
- animation/character
- male adult
*Light giggle* Hi! I'm Nate! Nice to make your acquaintance! *Smug and happy*
Nest it's alright! It's not like we can do much anyway because of these bracelets *Calming down Nest*
So is anyone gonna explain to me what's going on? Why do you two look so similar? *Confused*