Trial & Error: Sci-Fi Web Series
xPLAYn for Auxilium
Auxilium is the A.I. assistant to the protagonist. It is very much a robot and thus not capable of emotions but it does understand emotions and is able to empathise with people as well as having it's own opinions. Do not add audio effects. (lines used in the audition are not taken from the show but are indictive of the character) (only one take for each line is required. any additional takes will be seen as unnecessary and ignored) (improvisation is permitted but only one improv line is allowed and must come at the end of your tape. Provided lines must be used and auditions that do not include them will be disregarded)
- english
- any
- robotic
- any
I don't mean to be intrusive. But, I'm curious.
Fuel: 100%. Engines: 100%. Ship is fully operational.
Activating Combat Automatons now.