Fallout 4 CSEP: Hatcher Island
SoldierHobbes for Norman

Norman is an old sea dog, he's been sailing and fishing around Hatcher Island for longer than most of the residents have been alive. He wants the town free so he can go back to sailing and fishing again.
Lead Character
- english
- Rough
- male senior
- warm
- bostonian
- irish
- Sailor
- new england
- gruff
- blue yeti
- Any
- audacity
- Any
“My friends call me Norman, I’ve been sailing and fishing these seas for longer than most of them have been out of diapers.” (Friendly but gruff, joking a bit at his own age)
“I come from a settlement north of here, on an island, it’s been overtaken by pirates.” (Concerned, Explaining why he needs help)
“Hatcher island is off the coast, and home to alot of ‘lurks, but it’s also home to Mistmoor, my home town and the home to alot of my friends, but now they’re all hiding in a cave from a gang of murderous pirates.” (Concerned for the safety of his neighbors who he left behind to go get help)