sunny_girlfriend for Crystals
Voice Actor
Role assigned to:
Minor Role. Female (plural), ageless. Mystical in tone and speaks in whispers and echoes of voices (which I will edit in). They have much of an external locus, and feel as though nothing is in their control. They discourage the child from leaving, saying their endeavors are futile. General American accent.
- english
Voice description:
- general american
- video game
- female adult
- videogame
We are the frozen sweat of the earth. Unto what ends are your endeavors?
Your endeavor is futile. You cannot leave these depths. We too long to savor warmth and light above the skies. We too have considered, but we dare not try. Some things cannot change. Try as you may, but you may never leave these depths.
Very well. We shall not impede you.

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