The Rat King's Wife
Jade for A couple of voice actors for guards and villagers.
I am looking for some VAs who want some experience in voice acting. The roles are super short as they are background characters.
- english
- generic scottish
- adult
- male adult
- animation
“You are a spy! Why have you been sent? What is it that you know?” Asked one guard aggressively.
“You? A king?! Hah! You are a fool; our king has already returned!” The arrogant guard teased.
“Oh! So now it is not enough that you work us to exhaustion for you, now we must also collect deep into the winter days just to meet our needs?! It's a right bawbag!” The rat expressed angrily.

Hey I really like your voice acting here! The only thing I am noticing is that you audio is clipping here. I am very interested in your talent however and would love to work with you. Would you be comfortable with live direction?

Absolutely! I'm also working on a pop filter, it's hard to gauge my audio levels honestly as I record in my closet separately from the screen but I'd absolutely be alight with trying for start to back away a little haha, and furthermore I'd love any direction or advice you could provide! So to put that simply, absolutely!

Sweet. I'm LongJohn#9104 on discord. If you want I'm free on Wednesday evening, about 5pm PST if you want to hop onto a call and go from there.

Perfect! Adding you as I send this, I have Wednesday off work entirely so it should work out wonderfully!