animation short film VA - THE BURNT TOAST
Hanson_Sound for Isaac (MC)

Personality: He is more of a night owl than a morning person and he prefers to work at times when he wants to regardless of the time and day. He is also a bit of a workaholic since he works a lot when he has an idea, he will put that idea on a piece of paper either draw or write it down and keep working on it until he is satisfied with the outcome of the projects he is working on. He hates to go out in the sunlight. He reacts like a vampire when he has to go out to run some errands in the daytime. Besides all of this, he has a sinister side that he only shows through his works and projects. He has some weird tendencies, such as sadism, sociopathic personalities and even often has trouble sleeping so he just ends up working on his projects. The eerie thing about Isaac is that even though he thinks and produces a lot of dark elements of work such as different kinds of serial killers and different creative ways to kill people, etc. He does fantasies on these subjects but never acts upon them, he has some level of self awareness and fear that stops him from just keeping these dark thoughts into his work.
- male young adult
(nervously speaks up as he stutters a bit from sudden shock) “Yes.. y.. Ye..sss I..I’m.. here...”
(scared as hell, nervously speaking) “AHH.. t.that ii… I was just practising! thee... dialogues to get the right feel in the project. I'm working on... It. It was just improvising. it… I…uh…tend to do that…sometimes… When I can't quite picture the tone… Of them speaking and…stuff… Haha,… I…I apologise for that… Hahaha… I must have accidentally slipped my finger… and accidentally called you but anyways how are you pal..”
(Self talks with his mouth full of bites of the food, mumbling in annoyance) “hmm... I wonder how his close friends live with such a terrifying person. Wait.. I doubt he has someone, he’s probably still working like some cold heartless machine. I could say that on his face, but I can’t say much when he’s staring with those cold dead eyes like he's staring into my soul.. Ahh.. just thinking about it sends chills.. ”