The Adventures of the Fox in the Fedora: Season 2
Richard Gibson for Emperor Silas
Protagonist Ally -- (Age: 52, Gender: Male, Species: Human) Emperor Silas is a good and just ruler, a blessing to his empire and home world. He carries many responsibilities on his shoulders and governing an empire as big and as chaotic as his is no small feat, even with subordinates. Silas is an old friend of the main protagonist's late grandmother and one who is burdened with the knowledge of something that could not only threaten his empire, but all of existence as well.
CHARACTERS THEY'RE MOST LIKE: King Stephan (Disney's Sleeping Beauty), The King of Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
-This role is a recurring guest spot, featuring in several of the 8 episodes of the season.
-Full details about the character (his full name) and such will be made available to the one who is cast in the role.
-Quiet recording area (treated room preferred). If you can't treat your room, recommend setting up a thick blanket behind you. Whatever deadens the natural echo or reverb in your recording area. This link is to a picture of one of our other main cast member's setup:
-Minimum type microphone should be the Elgato Wave:3 or something of equivalent quality and power. USB mics permitted but prefer XLR mics. The link in the above bullet point showcases the Elgato Wave:3:
-Record using any software that will allow you to export as RAW .WAV files. Clean up will be handled by another member of the crew. Please check your recording to ensure your takes don't have any mic pops, plosives, or mic glitches.
Export settings: .WAV, mono, if possible 24 bit 48khz, otherwise 16bit 44.1khz works too.
You may be asked to perform small bit parts/background characters with minimal lines (i.e. Person #3) on top of this role.
- english
- male adult
- all english accents
- kingly
- serious
- calm
- Elder Hero
(calmly, reminiscing) Oh, I remember her, lad. It's impossible to forget someone like her. More fearless than my best warriors, more cunning than my generals. [light chuckle] Not a day goes by where I miss our many quests together. [somber] Tell me... did she pass peacefully?