The Rat King's Wife
JulieCowePtP for Voice Actress for Kael (The villain)
Kael is a very aggressive and cunning ferret. She has a strong yet sharp voice that can be heard for miles. She is the leader of Fingal, a group of ferrets, weasels, and rats who found themselves alike being of one color. Albino. Being the leader, she is the strongest of them, always thirsting for more power to compensate the prejudice against her color. Her only goal is to show that nature has no hold on her, and to show that she knows no bounds.
- english
- mocking
- animation
- female adult
- scottish
- loud
- scottish (edinburgh)
- Sharp
- film
- energetic
- creature
“Mm. Too bad." She mocked, "I never much cared for swords anyway.” She continued as she attacked.
“Well, it is a start." She said with a tone of disappointment. "Keep going dearie. Show me what you are.” She continued with a power hungry tone.
“Come on honey, you have more fight than that! Just think, if you beat me you’ll be the hero and save your little girlfriend! (Gasp!)” She mocked again, catching herself on the last word. She saw Meier react to this. “Oh… Did they not know about this?” She continued with a smile.

Thank you for your submission! I was wondering, would you be comfortable doing live sessions on discord?

Sure I can do that, would be the first time for something like this - I usually just run guild events in ESO or other games groups. No worries! My Discord id is Lyvvie#8432

I am based in Melbourne Australia so timing sessions where I'm not keeping the family up late would be something to consider.

Sorry, for a the late reply... What time zone would you be in? I am in the PST time zone. Also my Discord is LongJohn#9104 if you want to get a hold of me directly.

I'm in AEST, currently 17 hours ahead of PST.

Alright, I'm available thursday about 1 PM AEST if you have some spare time. Are you comfortable with live direction?

Sounds great, yes I'm fine with direction.

Excellent. Well I am LongJohn#9104 on discord. That's usally where I'm most active and where we could congragte for a session.