The Rat King's Wife
Bard of the Griffins for Voice Actress for Dotty
Dotty is the chef for King Meier, and a family friend. She was the guardian of Meier while he was growing up, and the servant to his father, King Malcolm. She is a strong independent marmet that knows how to push Meier's buttons, while still taking care of him. She sometimes feels that she doesn't really belong in Rokfel (The land of the Rats), but never shows it outwardly. Dotty acts motherly to the people, cooking for them and taking care of the young ones where she can, including Meier himself.
- english
- animation
- female adult
- generic scottish
- scottish
- Stern
- Playful
“(Gasp) Good heavens… I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you… Hang on, what is a mouse doing in my kitchen?!”
“(Gasp) Are you calling me a Liar?! How dare you! I, who has cared for you and fed you, almost your whole life! You’ll be cleaning the dishes tonight after all!”
“Mm. Well, it’s best we do as he says. Knowing how his father taught him, he’s probably right. To the north gate then.”

Hey thanks for your audition, I really love your voice! The role for Dotty has already been filled, but I still have some characters that need a voice, and I was wondering if you would like to bring them to life? Its only a few lines, but if your interested, I'm LongJohn#9104 on discord. Thanks again for taking the time to read this, and for being a part of the project. I hope to hear from you soon; -Nate

Hi there Nate! I totally understand.
Oh wow still a consideration for a role? Oh wow I could do that. I actually don't have work this morning so I could have that for you soon. Where would I send it?
Would this being a paying position as well?

Oh and any kind of accent needed?

Yes, I'm thinking of having a Scottish accent for her role, and I know it's not much but I could have 10 USD for you. There's only three lines for the role. I'll send you a dm with more details if you are still interested.