The Adventures of the Fox in the Fedora: Season 2
Erin Culpepper for Ariana
Protagonist Ally -- (Age: 27, Gender: Female, Species: Human) A classic example of "you murdered my family, so I will train night and day until I am good enough to defeat you." Once the protector of her village, she seeks vengeance against the main antagonist of the season for the brutal destruction of her home, family, and friends. Ariana is adept in both medieval styles of weaponry/fighting and futuristic technology. While not a genius, she is a budding strategist and masterful archer. Sadly, her choices of teacher and ally in this crusade were limited and she reluctantly finds herself paired up with a misogynistic, self-absorbed douchebag whom she leeches tips and tricks and resources off of. But once she feels she's ready, she'll dump him and embark on her quest, come what may.
CHARACTERS THEY'RE MOST LIKE: Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy 7 Remake), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider reboot trilogy)
-This role is a recurring guest spot, featuring in several of the 8 episodes of the season.
-Full details about the character (her full name) and such will be made available to the one who is cast in the role.
-Quiet recording area (treated room preferred). If you can't treat your room, recommend setting up a thick blanket behind you. Whatever deadens the natural echo or reverb in your recording area. This link is to a picture of one of our other main cast member's setup:
-Minimum type microphone should be the Elgato Wave:3 or something of equivalent quality and power. USB mics permitted but prefer XLR mics. The link in the above bullet point showcases the Elgato Wave:3:
-Record using any software that will allow you to export as RAW .WAV files. Clean up will be handled by another member of the crew. Please check your recording to ensure your takes don't have any mic pops, plosives, or mic glitches.
Export settings: .WAV, mono, if possible 24 bit 48khz, otherwise 16bit 44.1khz works too.
You may be asked to perform small bit parts/background characters with minimal lines (i.e. Person #3) on top of this role.
- english
- female adult
- all english accents
- Avenger
- Cautious
- crusader
- serious
- Expert
- Fallen Hero
How can we be certain of their intentions? These monsters speak as humans do. No other monsters in the land speak like that, nor do the monsters created by the djinn. There is more to these creatures, I know it.
(with urgency) We can follow the trail to the castle! I bet that’s where she's taken them! We're going to need some supplies first.
(angrily) You'll pay in blood, demon.