Genshin Impact Fandub Round #3: Inazuma Characters
Theguyinthecorner for ⭑Diluc Ragnvindr⭑

If you auditioned for this role on another casting call of mine, please DO NOT resubmit your audition! ALL auditions on previous casting calls will still be considered. I am just opening this role once more to gain more auditions, and once it officially closes, ALL auditions will be looked at and considered. HOWEVER, if you wish to change something about your audition, such as the pitch or different vocal direction, then that is fine. Just please do not submit the exact same audition and the exact same takes. Otherwise, it will cause confusion.
The tycoon of a winery empire in Mondstadt, unmatched in every possible way.
As the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, the ever-dapper Diluc always presents himself as the epitome of perfection. But behind the courteous visage burns a zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs, allowing him to mercilessly vanquish all who threaten his city.
Despite coming off as bitter and grumpy, there are times where Diluc can be gentle and tender through his speech. Dilic does not like alcohol by any means; he hates the taste and that it clodus his mind when he is trying to focus on working. He prefers non-alcoholic drinks such as grape juice. Diluc isn’t materialistic either, as he is entirely okay with parting with possession he no longer needs.
Voice: Would love to voice match Sean Chiplock
- english
- male young adult
- american
- fandub
- voice match
Visions are a light in the sea of darkness that surrounds those who have lost their way. But for those who have faith, they are little more than badges of conviction.
(Praising, acknowledging, and complimenting at first, but once you reach the irritated sigh he needs to sound annoyed and/or bitter/disgusted). Ah, yes... I've heard about her. She has her own convictions. Her determination to liberate herself from the shackles of her clan is praiseworthy. *Irritated sigh* but, she's... joined the Knights of Favonius.
[Context: Diluc hears about another bartender like himself who hates alcohol](Surprised) Huh... I never thought I'd come across another bartender like myself in Mondstadt.