The Rat King's Wife
Scooter for Singer and voice actor for Anna
Anna is a small mouse from Millvale, a small village located in the mountains of Fallen Peak wetlands. Since it is a small village, there isn't much for entertainment, so Anna finds joy in singing as she works. One day her village was attacked by an unknown enemy, and she finds her courage and resolves to travel to the land of Rokfel, the land of the rats to find the good king to help her defend her home. Anna is soft spoken, and gentle, yet playful. She finds enjoyment in singing and finds that it can help calm her when she is distressed.
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- scottish
- Playful
- generic scottish
- Soft
- animation
“Oh, no. She is by far the better cook. But she does have some great ideas.” Anna says playfully.
“I have seen that dream as well!” Anna whispered excitedly, not able to use her voice. “The world I saw was green and alive!”
“P-please, I mean no harm…I-” Anna pleads with distress.

Hey thanks for your submission here. I'm going to wait a couple days before I make my decision (mostly so I can finalize a few things with Anna's role).