Chrono Trigger Fandub {Main Characters}
klotten for Schala
Schala is the young princess of the Kingdom Zeal. She possesses immense magical power, even as Enlightened Ones go. She is willing to put herself on the line to save all the others, appeasing her mother's need for power, to try and protect her brother, though in the end, she fails this task, as he often feels he has in protecting her.
Tone: Medium to medium-high. Her voice should be calm, soft, and a little airy(not to a disrespectful extent, but a tone that helps to keep others calm.... Soothing. That's the word I was looking for... soothing.)
Oh, you're back Janus! Is something wrong? ...You feel it too..? Don't worry, it'll be alright.
Now hold onto this. It's a kind of amulet. If something should happen, it'll protect you. I wish I could be with you always... But mother has other plans.
Stop degrading yourselves! We Enlightened Ones were once the same as you. The only difference is that we are under Lavos's control...