Genshin Impact Fandub Round #3: Inazuma Characters
Tyler Viator for ⭑Scaramouche⭑

I will not be providing much information regarding this character as I haven't been able to play through the recent Sumeru archon quests. So I do apologize if information is missing or incorrect, but I have not included it to remain spoiler-free both for myself and for other talents as well.
When Scaramouche was initially created, he was a gentle, soft-hearted individual. However, his youth and lack of experience with the world prevented him from properly contextualizing and coping with the tragedies that happened in his life. As a result, Scaramouche came to believe that humans, being as fragile, ever-changing and transient as they are, couldn't be trusted, and he also came to despise the gods due to the Raiden's abandonment of him.
As a result, Scaramouche treats most people--especially regular humans--with contempt. While Scaramouche was one of the Harbingers, he would frequently abuse his Fatui subordinates, looking down on La Signora and Childe, calling them his "least reliable comrades." Scaramouche was not well-liked among the Fatui due to his disagreeable personality and refusal to keep his mouth shut, and even his fellow Harbingers appeared to dislike him. Scaramouche is naturally a cunning individual, and because he possesses the wit and power to back this up, he is an unpredictable person.
Scaramouche despises and depreciates his emotions, resenting his painful past experiences and the suffering he felt as a result of them. He made it his life's goal to obtain the Electro Gnosis and ascend to godhood to purge himself of his pain and suffering, even if it meant losing his identity. Scaramouche sought purpose in being a god, to the point of protecting his first follower despite his general contempt of humanity.
Voice: Open to voice matching his English(Patrick Pedraza), Japanese(Tetsuya Kakihara), or Korean(Min Seung-woo) voices but I am mostly looking for/prefer his English dub.
- english
- american
- voice match
- fandub
- male young adult
You want to use my hat as an umbrella? Hmph, the audacity to even make that request...
(Taunting) Does it annoy you? Good. Then I'll keep it.
(Gentle, caring) You're hurt... are you alright?