Batman: Year One - A Fanmade Audio Drama
PatrickJV for Jim Gordon
A man wanting to do good. A frustrated cop who has no idea how to change a broken city.
Gotham City… (disgusted) Ugh, this place is just as filthy as I remember it. I'm glad Barbara's flying in, I don't care how much it costs, I don't want her safety to be in question just after arriving in the city…hers or Little James.’ (chuckle) So I hope she's having a boy, so what? At least she'll have a much better view than what I'm looking at. She'll get to see all the buildings and highways without having to immediately dread what lies under their shadows…I bet you that skyline is enough to make you think this place is civilized… (scoffs) too bad I already know better. Jesus, how could this place have possibly gotten worse after all these years? To look at this place at first glance, it's not that much different from Chicago, same types of people walking the streets and taking the subway. But if you take a closer look—
Look at all of them, they should be doing paperwork or hitting their patrols, but instead they're just fooling around while all the work just continues to pile up on their desks. (frustrated sigh) Now I get why Loeb hired me so quickly…he thought it would be easy to get me to work in a station full of rotten cops after what happened in Chicago. He thought he was taking in a defeated puppy with its tail between its legs…leaving me with the options of either falling in line or falling in the dirt. Perfect.
I am not afraid of you…ANY of you! I will not roll over. I will not fetch. And I will NOT play dead. If Loeb, you, or any other of his loyal attack dogs even think of trying something like this again…you better make sure I'm dead. Because if I'm not…and you ever so much as breathe in my family's general direction…I will bury all of you. Do you understand?