Dark Fantasy AAA Game, Codename: Dogwood
Joseph David Spence for Aurent, age 55
Aurent is a serious man with plenty of confidence. He's very charistmatic and exudes an aura of authority. He speaks clearly and doesn't mince his words. He's quick to anger, but his anger is a quiet dripping venom, not a wild flailing fury.
- english
- male adult
(speaking to a crowd) We're gathered here today to witness... a miracle. Look at this man: standing here on his own two feet, looking at you, thinking, crying. Trying his absolute darndest to speak through the gag. To ask - nay, to beg - for your help. Or my mercy. Yet he gets neither. And now he's gone. Just like that.
(angry) I've told you not to follow my brother. I've told you and I warned you, and what did you do? You didn't listen. There are mistakes, Noan, mistakes a man should not make. This was one of them.