Genshin Impact Fandub Round #3: Inazuma Characters
mazikeen for [Reopening] Kujou Sara

A general of the Tenryou Commission. Bold, decisive, and skilled in battle.
Leader of the Tenryou Commission's forces. A charismatic woman who acts as swiftly as a storm wind and always honors her word. She bears the title of "Devotee of the Divine" and has sworn her allegiance to the Raiden Shogun. The eternity that the Shogun pursues is the cause that she is willing to fight for.
Kujou Sara is a member and adopted daughter of the Kujou Clan, who serves the Raiden Shogun. She supports her Vision Hunt Decree and leads troops to seize Visions. Kujou Sara is also described as a "tengu warrior" with "wings as dark as a raven".
Despite being an adopted member of the Kujou Clan, she is immensely loyal to the Shogun's rule and tirelessly works to create the eternity that the Shogun desires, even if she does not live to see it herself. Those who speak to her note that she has a ruthless, yet efficient and stern attitude, fitting for her position in the Tenryou Commission. Her devotion to the Shogun's cause and her honorable conduct has gained her the respect of those under her command. She prefers doing everything herself when possible; compared to other Tenryou generals, she participates in battle alongside her men (and head-on attacks as a result) rather than remaining at the back. She despises dishonorable conduct and those who betray the Shogun's will.
Sara's dedication to the Shogun seems to stem from the fact that she believes the Shogun saved her from death when she was bestowed an Electro Vision as she was falling a great height during a battle. This action not only led to her life being spared but to the young tengu being adopted into the Kujou Clan and an unbreakable devotion to the Electro Archon. Although Sara appreciates Takayuki adopting her, she expresses a sense of loneliness in that she can tell he doesn't truly regard her as family and doesn't treat her the same way he treats his biological children.
She enjoys quick and easy-filling foods, but dislikes sweets because they put her at ease, something which she finds unfitting for her duties.
Voice: Would love to voice match Jeannie Tirado
- english
- female young adult
- american
- fandub
- voice match
My aspirations? I thought you already knew: To assist the Almighty Shogun in manifesting Eternity. That is what I aspire to. Hmm? Personal aspirations? It's not something I have ever thought about before...
(Confused) Good morning...? You mean you only just got out of bed? This is already quite late by my standards. I typically rise well before daybreak.
(Gentle, Reassuring) Go and rest. I will stay here and keep watch.