Skywind: Morrowind reenvisioned! 2024
Richard Gibson for Ash Vampire (CLOSED)
Ash Vampires are not actually Vampires, but powerful sorcerors of House Dagoth. Unlike their Dunmer and Ashlander counterparts, they do not speak with the signature rasp. They are wise, highly intelligent, and highly powerful beings of almost demi-god like status. They each have a unique personality and more details wil be given upon casting.
All Ash Vampires are male, and require a masculine voice. They will typically have an RP British accent, but there is flexibility for a few to be slightly more American sounding. There is also flexibility on pitch, while many will have a deeper tone, some can be a bit brighter depending on the character. For all Ash Vampires, there should be a tone of nobility.
- male adult
- british
- all american accents
- male senior
[Dialogue] - So far, all your struggles, your battling, your destructiveness... all these things might be understood as improving your bargaining position. Come now, we hold you no bitterness. You cannot truly harm us. We can afford to forgive. No? Pity. But then, a pity to waste it on a coward like you. I'm done talking. I await you first blow, challenger.
[Combat lines, must to be genuinly screamed] - Finish what you started, coward. Face your end with dignity!
[Taking Damage/Effort] - Hragh! Raargh! Die! Uaaargh! Umph!
Forgot to mention; on the Skywind Discord I'm HapHazred#3540. I've already been cast as Dunmer and Breton, so feel free to get in touch if you would like an adjustment to the delivery/voicestyle.