(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
J0hnny0hm for Dion Sius

Voice Actor
Dion Sius
Paid: Flat Rate 10 GBP
Dion is in prison for stealing peoples bank cards at music festivals, and is also working under Gabriel to get his barbering qualification. He has a big interest in metal music, and wants to be a rockstar someday. Him and Gabriel argue constantly over music taste, and he has recently set up a music club with Forrest.
Scenes present in: 1, Approx. 30 Words
Accent: Scottish (Unspecified Dialect)
- english
Voice description:
- male young adult
- male adult
- generic scottish
- standard scottish
- animation/character
- british
(Singing along to "Hallowed be thy name" by iron Maiden, 6:28) "YEAAAAH!! HALLOWED BY THY NAME!!"
(Fussy, Arguing with Gabriel) "We'll I'm sorry you have such a bland taste in music!"
(Excited, meeting someone new) "Let's not waste any time! What sorta music do you listen to?"

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