Melty Blood: Type Lumina English Dub Mod
jhilar8 for Vlov Arkhangel

JP VA - Kenjiro Tsuda
Voice Example -
For some reason, this Dead Apostle from the frozen lands of the far north has arrived in the city of Souya. Vlov is already starved of warmth and must feed on blood for heat, which he can then consume in order to create flames. In battle, he can switch from Flame Mode to Ice Mode when in danger. In this mode, Vlov’s abilities expand exponentially, granting him nearly unrivaled strength.
- english
- male adult
- fandub
- video game
- videogame
- visualnovel
Do not get in my way.
I'm afraid you're not even worth remembering. Now feel the cold chill of death.
So warm... Your blood feels hot enough to burn bone...

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