Melty Blood: Type Lumina English Dub Mod
carmen for Akiha Tohno

JP VA - Shino Shimoji
Voice Example -
After the death of her father, she inherits the role of leader of the Tohno family, a distinguished house in Souya. One year younger than her brother Shiki, she arranged for his return from the Arima family. Her flawless etiquette and bearing perfectly epitomize the daughter of a noble house. She is strict even on herself, rejecting such things as modern-day amusements and frivolity. Because of her prideful and strong-willed nature, many find her difficult to approach. Sensing a mysterious presence in her town, and determined to uphold the Tohno family name, she sets off into the night to investigate...
- english
- female teen
- female young adult
- female adult
- fandub
- visualnovel
- videogame
- video game
How boring. I've seen enough. There is no reason to continue.
That was enjoyable. I would be more than happy to beat you again whenever you like.
I think that's quite far enough. I'm not sure your pride can take much more.

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