(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
Benabas for Forrest Acherley - Supporting Role

Forrest is a massive sweetheart who people say is far too kind for prison. In fact, he has landed himself there multiple times! All for the same reason. To fund his passion for music, and specifically Triation's Idol Scene, he sold pirated movies at markets around central Triation. For him, not much has changed! He spends most of his time with Phil and Omari, and even Phil cannot help but feel warmed by his joyful energy.
Mid - Mid-High Range
Scenes Present in: 1 scene, Approx 25 words.
Accent: Open to different dialects and accents for this one, I haven’t fully settled on an idea for his voice yet. Forrest often ends words with an “n” sound, and replaces “and” with “n”.
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- animation/character
(Very excited, literally just met his idol) "Hal from Dreamscape! Oh my gosh!! I'm a big fan, Could I please have a photograph?"
"Hal, Triation's very own angel, and leader of upcoming Idol Group, Dreamscape! I've been to all your shows."
(Sounding rejected, just got told to get back to work) "aw... Ok.. Whatever ya say, boss."