(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
ChedHead for Andrew Hales - Lead Role

Andrew is the quietest member of the cast, he keeps to himself and is extremely shy. He has a mysterious past that everyone around him asks people not to ask him about. He tends to open up to others after a long time, and seems most comfortable around Etan and Oliver. Him and Crevan are childhood friends. He tries his best to keep out of trouble, and needs extra assistance with basic tasks such as getting up and practising hygiene.
Andrew has a mid-range voice, slightly on the lower side. He is very soft spoken and quiet, often mumbling
Scenes present in: Around half, approx. 75 words
Accent: Open to different dialects and accents for this one, I haven’t fully settled on an idea for his voice yet.
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- animation/character
(Shy, slightly embarrassed) "O-oh, I'm not cutting it... But I'm glad you think it's cute. I'm just... Gonna watch,"
(He perks up slightly) "You always had a knack for drawing..."
(Excited, but still quiet and shy) "But it's good, though...! I think it would be nice if the outfits you drew on paper could become real..."