(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
Steel for Oliver Kai - Lead Role

Oliver is Cell Block Q’s prison advisor, the role taken on by one inmate from each block to ensure that everyone's voices and suggestions are heard and taken into account. He is studying in his spare time to become a psychologist and Therapist, but also enjoys writing and reading. He can be quite sarcastic and cynical, him and Etan butt heads frequently. Oliver does not remember much of his early life.
Oliver has a mid-range voice. He sounds quite smart, not in a way that makes him stuck-up, and he is approachable when not being sarcastic.
Scenes present in: Around half, approx. 100 words
Accent: Unspecified
- english
- male young adult
- animation/character
- male adult
(Sarcastic) "Wow, Crevan. Littering in my cell block. Not leading a very good example, are you?
(Slightly agitated, somewhat sarcastic) "Dion, Bo and Gabriel. A found family that never seem to get along."
(Soft-Spoken, slightly flirty) "Coming along for the ride? I sure hope you're not planning on cutting that ponytail, it looks cute."