[FEMALE PROTAGONIST RECASTING] A Witch's Game || Gacha Animated VA Series
casey ♡ for Tragic Razai Suro'reilly
Voice Actor
Tragic Razai Suro'reilly
Role assigned to:
Tragic Razai Suro'reilly's parents were killed on her 9th birthday. She was relocated by kind people to an orphanage where she struggled to trust anyone, finding friends in the most unexpected places.
Tragic has no agreeable accent or voice at the moment, so just audition as you, please, I'd love to hear your accents.
- english
Voice description:
- female teen
- warm
- all english accents
It was entirely fake and completely made up. Made only for the intentions to entertain the poor souls here.
I'm telling you, it was purely made-up! No relation whatsoever towards whatever the heck [pausing] you're doing.
So you're telling me that this what-do-you-call-it-thingy-majig can be used to recreate any event, down to the location and people involved?
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