(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
Ainsley Nguyen for Aubrey Pallyser - Supporting Role

Aubrey is one of Crevan’s coworkers at Triation, and has worked there as long as he has. She is quite ahead in life, owning her own home and succeeding in her job. She takes her job much more seriously, but not to the point of being a “bad cop”. She treats everyone fairly, and that means ensuring nobody gets special treatment either.
Scenes present in: 3, Approx. 50 words
Accent: Unspecified, open to different accents and dialects!
- english
- female adult
- animation/character
- female young adult
(From across a room, talking to Crevan) "Watch it with the coffee big guy! If you drink too much, you'll start looking like a cup of coffee."
(Concern) "Exactly HOW did this start again? You know, the whole 'Not getting paid' Thing."
(Concern still) "So, what you're saying is: you're soft?"

Oh by the way, I do not own discord. However I do have an email if you are okay communicating that way instead.