(REBOOTED, SEE NEW CASTING CALL) Jailbird - Webcomic Dubbing Project
LukeTheVA for Omari Furaha - Supporting Role

Omari is the sweet creative-type who runs the cast's D&D game every Thursday afternoon in the library. He is an avid painter, and an art-school drop out. He is quite shy, but very sweet and friendly. He is also quite sleepy, due to having narcolepsy. Etá n is one of his best friends, along with Forrest.
Omari has a mid-high range voice, with a cute and floaty sound to it. His delivery is similar to Ritsu Sakuma's delivery from Ensemble Stars! (Source: https://youtu.be/p1meinQsD6U)
Scenes Present in: 1 scene, Approx 25 words.
Accent: Open to different dialects and accents for this one, I haven’t fully settled on an idea for his voice yet.
- english
- male young adult
- male adult
- animation/character
(Sleepy) "Oh? Etán, you have a new friend..!"
(Sleepy, slight concern) "But... Etán, I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat meat."
(Yawn) "I'm tired... Nap time I think.."