Don't forget the straws - main character
kelseypoppen for Timmy
A unprepared new hire, who is tired of being pushed down and tries to stand up for himself.
You are somehow intimidated by this new environment.
The performance should sound natural, avoiding cartoony voices, like if this was an adult cartoon.
Maybe this is a little generic, but this guy in the blue shirt might be a good reference.
- english
ehm... what about the/ [hesitant, worried]
Right away sir![You're caught by surprise but you answer promtly]
Oh for the love of fuck!! fucking bullshit! this is fucking bullshit!! it was fucking perfect! i perfectly executed everything! It was a flawless performance! I even fucking smiled! ! you got nothing on me! nothing![Furious, angry, raging. You can't take it anymore. Tired of being pushed down you finally stand up for yourself. maybe put a little emphasis on the "I EVEN FUCKING SMILED", like you're rubbing it in](the swearing will be censored for dramatic effect, but I still need the full recording. You are free to edit the swearing if you have something more funny in mind, as long as the timings are kept)