OUTSIDERS - "Darkest days, yet to come" | Audio Drama
Richard Gibson for Patrol Chief
The chief of the colony patrol, a dutiful public servant with some prior knowledge of OUTSIDERS. Upon meeting Sword, the chief is well aware of how serious the situation aboard the Intrepid is. The chief is rather wary and has a looming sense of deep concern.
*Due to the limited appearance of this character in Part 3, they are treated as a CAMEO role instead of SUPPORTING for that episode.
[Having a tiring conversation that they are quickly growing weary of.] Oh boy... Just about everybody on my watch, sir, has reported sightings of the shadows. (Sarcastically) Let me guess, you want to tell me that you've found one too?
[Same tiring conversation.] (At wit's end) For pity's sake. Unless you are wanting to deal with the military, yes. I am in command. How much higher do you want to take this?
(Frustrated, in despair) Oh boy, you really are behind aren't you. Looks like you've got some catching up to do... Alright, let me fill you in.