Bestiary of a Nighthunter Casting Call #3
Celeste for Sitri
Sitri is a major character that returns throughout the story as well as in side content that will launch alongside the main story. I need someone able to commit to several years working on this project.
Sitri is a devoted scholar passionate about uncovering the lost secrets of Midora's past. She is incredibly intelligent, and takes great risks to pursue her field of study, venturing into the monster-ridden wilderness to do so.
In terms of a voice, I am looking for something inquisitive, passionate, and calculating. Think of characters like Viktor from arcane, or a more reserved version of Hange from attack on titan.
Important note: I am working with Canadian currency, so payment will be $15-25 CAD depending on the episode/recording length NOT USD.
This project is starting out as a passion project that's lived in my brain for years. All production costs have come out of pocket so far. This means that while I certainly want to pay people appropriately for their time, my budget is rather limited. Off the bat I wouldn't be able to pay much past the minimum, but if things go well, that will hopefully change around the second or third season as the projects Patreon (ideally) gains traction. (and when it says $25 per project, that means per episode for now). I fully intend to properly compensate people should the project do well, but I do understand that that amount of trust is difficult to just throw out there.
Thanks for your time and may a silver moon light your path.
- english
Whatever secrets you’re hiding, Aldain, I will find them. Mark my words. I just need to, hm? Oh my. Who are you?
There are secrets buried within the depths of Midora if you but have the eye to spot them and the courage to pursue them. Most think such fields of study nothing more than folly, but I know that somewhere within the ruins of this dying world there is the knowledge that can save it.