The Call of the Flame, Chapter 15 & 16
Anthony Andres for Rowan
A farmer from Gathland who's been drafted into war, for a conflict his family and people truly have no stake in. He's a bit naive, nervous, but the presence of Bri gives him and the other troops optimism.
VOICE: Like all Gaths in the Call of the Flame he has an Irish accent. He's lived a simple rural life so his speech patterns are a bit slower, but not dull. There's hope and wonderment in his outlook, he knows he'll be no great hero, but hopes to catch some of the sunshine reflecting off of Bri and her companions.
NOTE: Role will involve yelling and crying out.
(The Return of the King (2003) [Paraphrased]) My lady. You are fair and brave and have much to live for and many who love you. I know it is too late to turn aside. I know there is not much point now in hope. If I were a Knight of capable of great deeds but I'm not. And I know I can't save Aburen. I just want to help my friends; more than anything I wish I could see them again.