Slimey Spells
Schmanda for Scralla the Shaman

Scralla is an old hag, bored, and lives in the forest with only rain and fen to keep her company on occasion. She's wise, and knows almost everything there is to know about the forest and its mystical ways...but is an absolute perv.
She's never one to shy away from making some comment about how handsome or sexy any spry young man may be.
Either male or female can try out for this role. Her voice is very old and rich, like any granny.
The forest sometimes has the oddest ways of leading us to our true fate. Sometimes, even I sometimes misinterpret its will. So don't ever be too set in stone, my child.
(One of her rare moments of pure wisdom with no snappy joke or innuendo. She should have a calm mystique to her voice, teaching her pupil a vital lesson of life.)
HOOWEE! Did you see how good he looked coming out of that pond? Those pecks glistening, washboard abs looking like you could grind meat on em. My god. He ain't the only one soaked now. *Insert old cackle*
(Here is where we see how she usually is on a more daily basis, easily distracted by any good looker. Make her sound like she's looking at some god, idolizing every detail while picturing how much fun it would be to have a taste of it. And really give your all on that laugh!)
You two are very special. Bound together through spirit, and the will of the forest. Protect each other, always. And don't be afraid to get a bit handsy now and then. I won't tell no one.
(Deliver this line starting with a soft tone, a mentor passing on one last teaching, before immediately undercutting it with one last jest, spoken with a light whisper and ending with a wink and nudge.)