Slimey Spells
Schmanda for Nonna the Tailor

Nonna is a Master Tailor. She's seen a lot in her years, and nothing surprises her anymore.
She is very particular about her craft and is always right down to business.
Think Edna Mode, but with less thick of an accent.
What a pleasant surprise, Saya my dear. What's the damage this time? Did you at least try and make the effort not to get it all torn?
(She's annoyed and makes no effort to hide it. For the second part of the line, make her sound more tired than anything.)
Hey! Are you horny kids going to be in there all day? Or are you just going to let breakfast get cold?
(Here she is banging on a bedroom door {sound effect not needed} and is likely interrupting an intimate moment, but gives no shits.)
*Impressed Whistle* Not bad.
(Here, she's just gotten a look at another character's "package" during measurements but shrugs it off with a simple compliment. She should sound more genuinely impressed rather than seductive or aroused. She truly does not care for much other than her work.)