Attack on Titan: The Complete Fandub (Episodes 2-4)
chromex20 for Jean Kirschtein

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Major Character
(Voiced by Mike McFarland)
A soldier and eventual graduate of the 104th Training Corps, among whom he ranked 6th best. Jean hails from Trost District, and joined the military with hopes of obtaining a peaceful life as part of the Military Police Brigade, but later finds himself joining the Scout Regiment. During his time as a trainee, Jean is extremely hot-headed, easily becoming frustrated and quick to resort to violence when pushed. Despite this, Jean places high value on the lives of his comrades, and is shown to be a natural born leader. Hangs out with Marco.
*A medium/medium-low voice*
(Cocky; obnoxious) "Shut up, Marco! We're not children, you can drop the misty-eyed BS! Honor doesn't have any damn part of it. You just want a nice, cushy job in the interior playing glorified sentry!"
(Frustrated) "Everyone's regretting it...if I'd known it would be this hellish, I'd have never chosen to be a soldier. Now that I'm exhausted, it's all I can think about..."
(Sad; serious) "I just really don't want to meet a disappointing end, with someone burning my bones without even knowing who they belonged to..."
(Struggling; talking to himself) "Damn it...come on, you already decided! Don't make me hate myself any more..."


Literal shivers.