Bestiary of a Nighthunter Casting Call #3
MasterDoctorN7 for Necromancer
The role of the necromancer is as one of the primary antagonists in the show. This character is infested with dark magic and his own spite. His body is disfigured by injury and the corrupting effect of his magic. As such, the voice should reflect all of this. I need a deep, sinister, SLIGHTLY raspy voice capable of ranging between a whisper and a frenzied speech. With that in mind I have to mention that I'm not looking for something cartoonish evil. When I say raspy, I imagine something like the witch king from Lord of the Rings This guy is speaking with a raspier voice because his body (and vocal cords) have been damaged, not because he is a maniacal villain. It should have a deep quality of gravitas that commands the room.
Important note: I am working with Canadian currency, so payment will be $15-25 CAD depending on the episode length NOT USD.
Here are the details relevant to the project itself. This is a visual novel/podcast that involves a mix of voice acting conversations between characters and reading/narrating stories. This could mean an episode for this character could be anywhere from 400 words to 2500 words. Preferably, anyone auditioning should be available for live directed sessions, or at the very least rerecording's should I need tweaks.
IMPORTANT: This project is planned to be four seasons of about 20 episodes each. As this is one of several recurring characters, they will be in almost all of these episodes. This means I will need you to be able to commit to this project over a long period of time (approximately 2-3 years). I'm looking for someone interested in more than just voice acting that wants to get involved with the project itself. Feel free to ask for more details.
This project is starting out as a passion project that's lived in my brain for years. All production costs have come out of pocket so far. This means that while I certainly want to pay people appropriately for their time, my budget is rather limited. Off the bat I wouldn't be able to pay much past the minimum, but if things go well, that will hopefully change around the second or third season as the projects Patreon (ideally) gains traction. (and when it says $25 per project, that means per episode for now). I fully intend to properly compensate people should the project do well, but I do understand that that amount of trust is difficult to just throw out there.
- english
I see you are somewhat resilient to the effects of my work. Do not fret. Your mind will fade before long, just as your brothers did. I promise you your suffering will not be for nothing.
My power is mastery over flesh and will. When I lay there, bleeding into the snow, I reached out with arm and spirit and grasped hold of life even as it abandoned me.
(frenzy) I will rend every vestige of humanity back to the earth and then, only then will I be satisfied. You have not seen into the eye of the Many. You do not know the sting of agony until you have seen through the gaze of the moon and burned in the space between the stars.